Privacy Policy

FineArts.Photos’s Privacy Policy applies to any online access and use of its website and services. By using FineArts.Photos, you agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy and our Terms & Conditions.

On our site, online privacy is governed by Canadian Law and by the law of the Province of Ontario. The information you submit while using FineArts.Photos online services will be transmitted to Canada. Further, you agree that all applicable Canadian federal and provincial laws will govern the use and disclosure of that information.

Using and collecting information

  1. Using cookies, we do our part to provide visitors with a better online experience – such as remembering you when you return to our website and tailoring the content you see based on your preferences.
  2. Other than the information visitors/purchasers voluntarily provide when placing an order or contacting us, FineArts.Photos does not collect any personally identifiable information.
  3. In accordance with this Privacy Policy and as otherwise disclosed to you via its online services, FineArts.Photos may use Personal Information. Among these are:
    • Process and manage your purchase and use of our products and services.
    • Provide you with an answer to your inquiry or request.
    • Provide personalized promotions based on your purchases.
    • Contact you about their offerings.
  4. The following circumstances may result in FineArts.Photos disclosing Personal Information to a third party:
    • For services such as website hosting, professional services, information technology services, customer service, printing, e-mail delivery, auditing, and other similar services, FineArts.Photos may disclose your Personal Information to third parties.
    • A third party may receive your information as part of a corporate reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer, or other business disposition.
    • As deemed necessary or appropriate, we may use or disclose your Personal Information:
      • according to applicable law, including laws outside your country of residence;
      • for obligation to respond to public and government authorities, including those from outside your country of residence;
      • in response to subpoenas and other legal requirements;
      • to limit damages we might incur or pursue available remedies;
      • for the protection of our operations including, detecting and preventing fraud;
      • to protect FineArts.Photos rights, privacy, safety, or property; and
      • to enforce our terms and conditions.
  5. Any use of non-personal information is permitted unless prohibited by law. Information that does not identify an individual may be collected, compiled, stored, published, promoted, reported or otherwise disclosed or used.
  6. FineArts.Photos uses reasonable safeguards to protect Personal Information against loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, or modification. Even so, no system is perfect or can guarantee that unauthorized access or theft will not occur.

The Privacy Policy may be updated or revised without prior notice.

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